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Senior Center Board Minutes 05/14/2018

Lymes’ Senior Center Board of Directors Meeting

May 14, 2018

PRESENT:  Jeri Baker, Gary Weed, Doris Hungerford,  Joni Bonvicin, Diana Seckla, Don Abraham, Sue Campbell, Kathy Lockwood, Stephanie Lyon-Gould, Ann Griffith, Johnny Cody,  Dot McAndrew, Doris Johnson

CALL TO ORDER:  Jeri Baker at 1:00

SECRETARY’S REPORT:   A motion to accept May 2018 minutes  with correction to the spelling of Concert performers name - “Doo Wop” - was called for by Gary Weed.  Diana Seckla seconded. Unanimous approval.

TREASURER’S REPORT:  Doris Hungerford - Treasurer’s Report for April - May 10th, 2018 was unanimously approved.

COMMUNICATIONS:  Jeri Baker - A letter of complaint has been sent to the Senior Center which has been forwarded to the towns.  Jeri Baker read a thank you note from Andrea Apell expressing her appreciation for positive experiences at the Center.


        Director’s Notes:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould - Two Concert donations have been received:  $200 Reynolds Subaru, $100 All Pro.
Stephanie will be at the taping of the Doo Wop revue in Middletown and will have the opportunity to promote all the upcoming Concerts.
Beginning on June 7th, Jackalyn Duvey of the Vision Center, Waterford Walmart,  will hold free vision screening and minor glasses repair at the Senior Center.  Appointments can be made for Thursdays from 10-12.  

        Building Use:  Gary Weed - The air conditioning maintenance and cleaning has been completed.  The broken window has been replaced.  The fire extinguishers are in good working order.  The flagpole will require a boom to hang the CT flag.  The Memorial Garden will be mulched prior to the June 26th dedication ceremony.


        Memorial Bricks and Dedication Ceremony Update:  Jeri Baker and Sue Campbell - Refreshments may be served outside if the weather is accomodating.  Invitations are being sent out the first of June.  Marvin, Chaplin of the Fire Dept. has agreed to speak at the Ceremony to be held June 26th at 1:00.  


        Nominations for Officers:  Jeri Baker - The slate of officers will be nominated today and the vote held at the June board meeting.  
Treasurer:  Doris Hungerford, Nominated by Gary Weed, Seconded by Diana Seckla
Secretary:  Dorothy McAndrews is stepping down.  The position will remain open for now.
Vice Chair:  Kathy Lockwood, Nominated by Sue Campbell, Seconded by Johnny Cody
Chairperson:  Jeri Baker, Nominated by Diana Seckla, Seconded by unanimous approval.

        Emergency Response Clarification:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould - In an emergency, the first call is 911.  The Center Nurse will be alerted to come to assist.  The family emergency number/s will be contacted.  

        How to address Non-Profit Rentals:  Stephanie Lyon-Gould - If a non for profit club does not pay rent to use the Senior Center for events - but wants to charge admission for events, should they pay a commission to the Center.  Motion to Charge non for profits who create a profit for a Center held event - to make a donation (with historic absentions) by Diana Seckla.  Seconded by unanimous approval.  A motion to charge 10% of the profit from event after expenses was put forth by Don Abraham and  supported by the majority with one opposition.

        Other New Business:  Gary Weed - Early am trips need a list of participants available.  Stephanie Lyon-Gould - The problem has been addressed and rectified.
Sue Campbell - Is speaking with a local publication about an upcoming article on the Senior Center.

ADJOURN:  Meeting adjourned at 1:55.  Gary Weed moved to adjourn.  Johnny Cody seconded.

NEXT MEETING:  June 18, 2018.

Respectfully submitted,
Paula Emery
Recording Secretary